Dreams on Hold but Never Gone

Big things come to those who wait, they say. Patience, persistence, determination and resilience are just few of the things that make up a victor

Dreams on Hold but Never Gone
Photo by Mikhail Pavstyuk / Unsplash
Photo by Mikhail Pavstyuk / Unsplash

Big things come to those who wait, they say. Patience, persistence, determination and resilience are just few of the things that make up a victor, especially in these times that the whole country seemed to be on a hiatus and everyone is struggling to keep up. Yet, do our dreams have to die?

Our future attorneys have mixed emotions on the released Bar Bulletin No. 28, S. on September 28, 2021 by the Supreme Court, explaining the reasons that drove Associate Justice Marvic M.V.F. Leonen, the Bar Examinations Chairperson, to come up with the announcement. It was finalized, considering the present situation and risks of the Covid 19 pandemic as it remains unsolved and thriving. Instead of the original schedule which was November 2021, it was forwarded to January 16, 23, 30 and February 2, 2022, giving our bar applicants another two months for preparation and composure.

#Bestbarever has been circling the social networks of the Internet. Many has shared their gratefulness and hope that the postponement has given them more benefits than disadvantageous. On the other hand, there are also those who oppose the new schedule for reasons that are also valid and respectable in nature. I bet we could all agree that there is never one reason or opinion for all. We are entitled to various, and by that, we gathered some insights from our MSU LAW hopeful barristers.

"I honestly didn't find it something to rejoice about. I have already prepared myself mentally and emotionally that the grandest and the most important test of my life will be on November. The sudden announcement only made me lose my momentum. However, life goes on and I need to let go of things beyond my control. With the additional time given to us, I will utilize it to finish what has to be done. This delay may be God's way of redirecting us to His better plans"  - Allysza Mae B. De La Fuente Class of 2021, Batch Quaesitum Administrative Officer II, Regional Prosecution Office XII
"Some say that the 2-month extension is an opportunity to study further. But, just like any opportunity, it comes with a cost. For the prospective barrister, the increased anxiety in waiting and the ever looming threat of yet another postponement." - Kristoffer C. Asetre, Class Valedictorian, Class of 2020 - Batch Del Gratia
"It would be the #BestBarEver because those who will take would have endured the most challenges, in a way that is most inclusive and equitable. It will also be the biggest batch and, with the discipline that comes with perseverance, will likely have the most who will excel. Ever." - A tweet from Marvic M.V.F. Leonen Bar Examinations Chairperson

These are just few of the untold stories and quieted struggles of our bar applicants whose hearts are full of hope and strength to manifest their dreams. As what was said by Mr. Marvic Leonen, these challenges that came with the Covid 19 pandemic and the personal ones that our future attorneys keep behind closed doors would be the very reasons that this coming Bar Exams 2022 will be the Best Bar Ever. We could not agree more.

To our future barristers, we believe in you. We know that your dreams may be on hold for now, but it is never gone. Let these remaining months be a celebration of your strength and power. Let these be your greatest testimony. You all got this, future attorneys.