Keep On!

Being a law student, there seems to be no time to relax and to thoroughly calm down. Even in the middle of having fun, the reality is that there would always be this constant worry that the time spent relaxing would cost you something later in school.

Keep On!

The leaves rustle with every blow of the wind. It was not a totally hot day, but the sky’s blue without any trace of clouds. I sat under my favorite tree: a narra. Its leaves were swaying, and I could almost hear it sigh with every breeze. I sighed with it and looked at the vast plain. I felt the warmth of the sun in my skin, its rays peaking between the bundled leaves in the branches. The day was calm. It was startlingly serene and relaxed, far from a law student’s usual daily routine and daily surrounding. Being a law student, there seems to be no time to relax and to thoroughly calm down. Even in the middle of having fun, the reality is that there would always be this constant worry that the time spent relaxing would cost you something later in school. Even going out with friends would need a lot of convincing one’s self that it’s okay to sometimes eat out and have a life outside. Starting law school and persevering challenge after challenge is not an easy feat, but law students possess this burning desire to finish; a flame which kept and will always keep them going. Innate or not, this flame inside them keeps them motivated and persuaded. It’s like a sun inside their world; it keeps their will and passion burning. It makes sure perseverance lives, with the hope that in time, they would flourish and become great lawyers. So, keep on!

Drifting into thoughts, the idea of coffee seemed perfect. In law school, coffee was not taken just for the joy of having coffee. Most of the time, it symbolizes long nights and restless reading. It is forcing one’s sleepy system to stay awake and hopefully understand the materials. The amount of coffee consumed would sometimes cause palpitations, but somehow palpitations are common. Law students get them right during classes even without a coffee’s help. If it is a consolation, coffee palpitations are better than the freezing anxiety and mind-crippling recitations. Coffee temporarily drowns the anxiety and provides a bit of comfort every now and then. Every sip is an excuse to pause. Every cup of coffee is a life saver. Though one cannot completely enjoy his coffee while studying, it is still a reassurance that some things in one’s life is still good and worth being excited for. And coffee is definitely worth it. So for coffee, keep on!

Still sitting under the narra tree and looking far beyond, with a wandering mind, one cannot deny the surrounding with all its glorious colors blanketing the earth. Colors make the world a livelier and cozier place. It comes in different things: a rainbow, a flower, the ocean, the trees, and many more. For law students, it comes in books, highlighters, ballpens, indexers, sticky notes, yellow papers, and sometimes notebooks. It is usually an amalgamation of random things with random colors, making the study table a little livelier than it is. Because for law students, most of the time, their study table is their world. It is usually a joy to smell freshly bought books and papers. The excitement of using the new ballpens never grows old. Though not as pleasing as using new ballpens, the happiness of highlighting books for the first time still feels thrilling. Those things kept colors in a law student’s life. Those are small joys which kept the flame burning, and kept the excitement present. In a way, law school really is another world with a different language. It is a harsh world, but one can find small joys and celebrate small wins. It is not for the faint-hearted. It is a decision and a choice to make every day. For small joys and small wins, keep on!

Just when one thinks that unending readings, books, highlighters, coffees, and whatnots, were the only things a law student is concerned about, the fact is: it does not stop there. There are law students who are also parents providing for their kids and family, there are those who are breadwinners in their family, there are those who are working for survival – both in law school and in life, and there are those whose battle is not only within the bounds of law school, but also within themselves. Their concerns were not only recitations, digests, quizzes, and examinations. Theirs consists of also sustaining life, providing needs, providing attention to their loved ones, keeping a healthy body, and keeping a healthy mind; and most of the time, it was not a question answerable by a mere “Yes or No.” It was a constant responsibility. So, for those law students who are parents, breadwinners, and fighting silent battles they do not talk about, keep on! – for your family, friends, and loved ones – keep on!

Law school is not easy, like in life, there would always be challenges. Mistakes would be made. Shortcomings may sometimes feel unforgivable. It will soak up all inspiration. It will discourage you in so many ways that you’ll feel hopeless. But the good thing is, the flame to pursue law cannot be found elsewhere other than within you. It is not about having the motivation, or being encouraged, or being the best in it. It is always about acknowledging that indeed, you have the flame. It is not dependent upon other people, because if it were, you would have easily given up. But you’re still standing and still fighting, and the law community will keep on rooting for you. Just like the sun in our solar system, let the flame inside you be a fact rather than an idea. An idea can sometimes be proved futile, and people would always try to go against it. But a fact can no longer be changed. It is constant and an everyday reminder of your truth. Nothing could go wrong. Everything is just how it is supposed to play out. Sometimes, dreams may be delayed and there will be failures along the way, but learn from it and embrace your journey. Fear will be there, and uncertainty will always visit, but you don’t need to worry, you are where you are supposed to be. Keep on, future lawyer! Keep on!