Ph votes yes to UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russian aggression towards Ukraine

The Philippines, through Ambassador Enrique Manalo, voted “Yes” in favor of a United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution condemning the ongoing aggressions of Russia towards Ukraine.

In a statement issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), the Philippines joined the appeal of the other nations to end the hostilities of the Russian Federation and completely withdraw its military forces from Ukraine.

“We strongly urge the cessation of hostilities; but while an offense can be stopped at will the defense cannot rest until the offense stops,” DFA stated.

The DFA also called for aid and protection of civilians while stressing the safe access to humanitarian assistance.

“We call for massive assistance commensurate with the growing humanitarian crisis and echo the UN Secretary General’s appeal for respect of humanitarian principles to protect civilians and civilian infrastructures in Ukraine. Safe access to humanitarian assistance must be assured by the most effective means,” DFA said.

In addition, DFA also mentioned the application of the 1982 Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes to stall the conflict. The said declaration was one of the instruments created by the United Nations to resolve international disputes through peaceful settlements.

The Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Ukraine was conducted last February 28, 2022 with the purpose of discussing the Russo-Ukranian conflict.

Moreover, following the casting of votes, different agencies and government personalities lauded the DFA’s decision.

Associate Justice Marvic Leonen expressed his commendation in relation to said vote in a tweet.

“Today, I am proud to be Filipino, we voted yes to the UN General Assembly Resolution,” Leonen tweeted.

Likewise, Senator Leila De Lima also commended the decision of DFA for taking a stand on the Russia-Ukrain conflict.

"I laud the DFA for its resounding affirmation that staying neutral does not bode well for our standing in the global community as it goes against our commitments to uphold the fundamental ideals of peace, freedom and justice" she said.

In a joint statement, the Manila-based ambassadors from 30 different countries said that the resolution sends a message to Russia that its actions violated the UN Charter.

“The united stance also sends a clear message that Russia’s actions are “illegal, abhorrent, a blatant violation of the UN charter, a threat to global peace and security,” the diplomats pointed out.