Phil Women Judges Association formally opens 27th Annual Convention-Seminar

The Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA) formally opened its 27th Annual Convention-Seminar (Convention-Seminar) with the theme, “PWJA: Livin’ La Vida Corona!”  today, March 8, 2022.

Said Convention-Seminar is a 3-day virtual event scheduled from March 7-9, 2022, in conjunction with the celebration of Women’s Month.

In her opening remarks, PWJA President and Supreme Court (SC) Senior Associate Justice Estela M. Perlas-Bernabe paid tribute “to the 16 women in the entire history of the Supreme Court who have broken the proverbial ‘glass ceiling’ and dared to tread this male-dominated world.”

Meanwhile, SC Chief Justice Alexander G. Gesmundo reflected on the lessons learned during this pandemic and underscored the need to unite and realize our shared responsibility with the government.

Various speakers are set to discuss topics on Mental Health Awareness, Gender Diversity and Mobility in the Philippine Judiciary, Updates on Protocols on the New Normal, and Guidelines on Video Conferencing Hearing.