Purplehood 2022 celebrates graduating law students

“This will be your fight. If the career you would love to have is that of a lawyer, you will have to work for it and fight for it, no matter how difficult it will be.”

Purplehood 2022 celebrates graduating law students

“This will be your fight. If the career you would love to have is that of a lawyer, you will have to work for it and fight for it, no matter how difficult it will be.”

This was the challenge posed by Executive Judge Joyce Kho Mirabueno, guest speaker for Purplehood 2022, a one-night event to send off Batch Ad Meliora, the 38 graduating students of the Mindanao State University College of Law - General Santos City Extension.

Per angusta ad augusta, which translates to “through difficulties to honors,” was the theme for this year’s Purplehood held last April 23 at the Greenleaf Hotel in General Santos City. The said event featured speeches and messages from esteemed professors and guests of the College of Law, headed by Assistant Dean (AD) Habari L. Balt.

“Always remember that dreams without goals are just dreams. In other words, to achieve such big dreams, you must set your goals high with clarity – that is to top the 2022 Bar Examinations,” said AD Balt in his welcome remarks.

In her speech to the graduating batch, Executive Judge Mirabueno imparted tips to pass the bar examination and stressed the importance of memorizing the lawyer’s oath by heart.

“The lawyer’s oath will be your beacon. It embodies the life that you have chosen to live. If you cannot promise to live faithfully by your lawyer’s oath, there’s no point in suffering for the bar review and taking the bar exams.”

Executive Judge Mirabueno finished on a high note, assuring Batch Ad Meliora that they are destined for bigger and greater things.

Through a video message, Supreme Court Associate Justice Jose Midas P. Marquez emphasized that in spite of the reforms in the bar examinations, the characteristics of the legal profession remain constant.

“The choice to continue your legal education despite all the obstacles you have had to overcome during the past two years prove that you are diligent, resilient, and committed.”

Associate Justice Marquez requested the graduating batch to develop and practice the traits of the legal profession and to remember the values of patience and compassion.

“Each time you choose patience over anger and compassion over apathy, you bend the moral arc of the universe that is much closer to justice. This is, and always has been, the noblest possible cause for every lawyer.”

The graduating law students were also given their sablay by AD Balt, while quotes from their journey in law school were shared to the audience.

Executive Judge Felix F. Mesa raised a glass to the graduating batch, reminding them to not answer bar questions in their own opinion.

“Answer with legal basis. Cite provisions, rules, jurisprudence, general principles and doctrines, in all your answers to bar questions.”

Sabrina Gayo, as representative of Batch Ad Meliora, expressed her gratitude to the College of Law administration and to the Purplehood Committee, headed by BJ Amahan.

“This annual event was postponed for two years due to the pandemic and we’re fortunate to be able to finally celebrate this significant milestone tonight.”

Gayo also passed on the sablay to the junior law students of the College, i.e., Batch In Omnia Paratus.

As representative of Batch In Omnia Paratus, Michelle Lumayag accepted the bequeathal of the sablay and shared the reason behind the junior Batch’s name.

“Our batch encountered insurmountable and unpredictable challenges. Our studies were affected by the pandemic and because of this, the mode of classes were changed. In spite of the hardship that we encountered, we surpassed all of the trials, which made us even stronger.”

A number of graduating law students were also recognized as Early Bird, Mr./Ms. Head Turner, among others.

Rosarie Bering, speaking on behalf of Batch In Omnia Paratus, capped the night off by lauding the graduating batch for their efforts and bidding them farewell.

“This purplehood is unprecedented because we made history. We lived a part of mankind’s history and we continue living it. And that is for a reason – for you, to pay it forward; and for us, to undertake that we make it through.”

The event was also graced by several faculty members of the College of Law, which enthralled the graduating batch.

Purplehood 2022 was sponsored by the following, viz: Batch In Omnia Paratus, Mindanao State University of General Santos City, Rex Book Store, Inc., and Mu Kappa Phi National Exclusive Law Fraternity and Sorority, Hon. Loreto Acharon, Hon. Franklin Gacal, Jr., Aviles Law, Hagoriles Law, Viajar Law Office, AK Besana Realty, Inc., Sultan Exclusive Law Fraternity and Sorority, and Keane’s Cravings.