Statement on the celebration of International Human Rights Day

On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Today, we celebrate Human Rights Day in honor of the milestone – a document declaring inalienable rights everyone is entitled to as a human being.

Article 1 of the UDHR declares that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” This theme for this year’s celebration is “Equality,” which calls for a human rights - based approach to development as the best way to reduce inequalities and the realization of inclusion and non-discrimination.

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the underlying inequalities that have long plagued Philippine society. Discrimination and inequity became more apparent in the face of the alleged corruption of pandemic response funds - particularly the billions of pesos paid to a pharmaceutical corporation that could have fed more than a million poor Filipino families. Worse, the alleged swindlers were afforded protection from investigations being conducted by the Senate.

Those who defend human rights are also unfortunate victims of inequality and injustice. Lawyers, journalists, and activists alike have been killed and subjected to inhumane treatment, but almost all perpetrators have never been brought to the bar of justice. Under the current administration, the number of lawyers killed has increased by 500 percent as compared to the previous administrations.

There is no better example of inequality than reality itself.

As students of law, we must not be blind to the inequalities present in our society. We must constantly inculcate in ourselves that human rights are to be celebrated every single day. It becomes our duty and responsibility to protect and value every individual’s human rights, more so the right to equality. Educating the people of their basic human rights results in an empowered citizenry, leading to a healthy society where each and everyone’s rights are given due respect.

Now more than ever, we must solidify our calls for greater accountability from the authorities and stay true to our commitment in the continuing fight against oppression in all forms.