The Bold

Audentis fortuna iuvat – fortune favors the bold.

Another academic year in law school peeks from the corner of your mind, slowly creeping in, enveloping a large portion of what you’re thinking these days. You know these remaining days of being free from stress and recitation anxiety will eventually come to an end; and once again you’ll see yourself stuck on a thick book, with eyes tired and your hand gripping a mug of half-empty coffee and a highlighter on the other. Admit it or not, you know the next academic year’s gonna be tough. Yet, you’re tougher.

You may be a freshman, still clueless about what to expect or what you’re up against. You entered MSU Law with nothing but your dreams to fuel your drive. You know you are meant for more; that you are called for a greater purpose: to be a soldier of the law. You took your shot the moment you completed the screening process. And now you’re here. Nevertheless, you know there’s always more: a never ending battlefield of ups and downs, and sometimes with swirls and stopovers. You’re anxious about many things like how you prepare, what kind of classmates you will have, who your instructors will be; and most of all, the biggest question I believe everyone of us have encountered at least once, at some point: What am I doing here?

Thing is, the answer will not be handed to you the first time you enter the room. You cannot smell it in the air nor read it in a book. It will linger on your mind, maybe later than others, maybe longer than some but trust me, there will come that moment when the answer to that question will voluntarily reveal itself from nowhere. It may be in the  lyrics of the song you’re listening to one afternoon or in a famous book quote you didn’t appreciate before. It may be in a famous movie scene or a random person’s statement shirt, but it will certainly come. For now, believe in yourself, in your capabilities and the beauty of your dreams.

You may be someone who’s done with the culture shock of being a freshman. If you are, congratulations on your progress. It is an understatement to say that law school is a difficult journey because you know it’s always more than that. There’s more than what meets the eye but look at you, you pursued despite the unexplainable. With you being here at this instance is proof that you belong to the bold ones, equipped with resilience to withstand the struggles.

It is one thing to dream and another to act upon it. You may already know your “why” by now and that is enough for you to continue. As you surround yourself with your family, friends and loved ones on these fleeting days of vacation, may you be recharged and remotivated. Fill yourself with their inspiration so you can take this another year by the horns: one day at a time, one subject per day and one topic per subject. When the entirety of it all seems overwhelming, acknowledge your little progress and they will add up. You got this before, you’ll conquer this again.

You may be someone who experienced failures and pitfalls, be it on your grades, lack of motivation or academic performance. If that is the case, let this new school year be your game changer. You are not defined by the negatives but by what you make of them. Let your disappointments steer you to improve. Let your failures be your stepping stones to fight more. Above it all, don’t lose hope of the dream and of the future that awaits you. You’ll make it happen eventually, future lawyer.

You are brave for choosing this path only few treads on.

You are strong for not giving up.

You are here for a reason.

You will be a lawyer.
