The Race Against Time

The room felt empty and full at the same time. Unfamiliar faces crowded the area. Tension was brewing, and everyone was conscious of it. She was mindful of the silence around, while her insides were screaming. She then thought about the times when all that mattered was her Danielle Steel books, her frequent nature adventures, and all she ever cared about was how to have fun and seize the day. The door of the room opened, and she snapped back into reality. An intimidating figure entered the room, the professor, she thought; she felt everyone froze including herself. It’s happening, she thought again. It is indeed her first day in law school, and she felt the dread course through her body as the professor started calling names one by one. And then it was her turn.

Looking back still sends shivers down her spine. She never developed the fondness one develops when spending too much time with a specific person or place or thing. I guess you never develop that in law school. You never adapt enough to feel excited coming back to the room where you will be bombarded with mind-bending questions and all you can do is pray for your answers to be right and for it to be over. If anything at all, you pray you will finish law school as soon as possible, pass the Bar, and become the lawyer you adoringly aspire to be, not thoroughly realizing the consequences and hardships of being one.

She is not done with law school yet. She is still a struggling law student. She only looked back to see how far she had come, how tiring the journey was, and how different she was when she started compared to the person she is now. I guess every law student needs to look back, to reflect and realize how law school as a means to become a lawyer is really a race against time. To realize that a great length of time already passed and it was only a couple of months until it is their turn to take the Bar.

A race against time, because you never really appreciate the time you have got since you started law school until you only have a few remaining weeks or days to graduate and eventually take the exam. You think you still have the time to study until you realize that you only have hours since the big day. Then you start regretting all the fun you have had and the times you wasted.

You don’t want to be the regretting one, do you? You don’t want to regret the fun days and adventures. You don’t want to cry because you do not have enough time left before your most-awaited exam. So read now. Understand. Discuss. Share with your co-students and love what you are doing. It might be a race against time, but when you value time, time becomes an ally, a precious one. It might be a struggle, a juggle between work and studies, a bundle of difficulties, but it will be worth it. You will be rewarded when the reward is due to you. You will be honored, and you will cry happy tears, when it is due to you. Make your time count and count the time you have left, for it is only by your willingness and actions that you will attain your dream of becoming an attorney, a privilege not granted to all but an opportunity available to you. Make sure your efforts, time, and money do not go to waste. After all, it is your choices which will define your future. Are you doing enough to deserve the future you’re dreaming of?